
Copywriting is basically the term used in referring to the process of writing the text that publicize a business, person, an idea or an opinion. A copy may be used on its own, such as a script for a television or radio advertisement, or in conjunction with other kinds of media as in the text for websites and promotional materials. The main purpose of copywriting is to create text that would persuade an audience to act by patronizing a particular product, service or viewpoint. Copywriting may also be used to sway an audience from a certain notion, or belief.

What Are Examples of Copywriting$%:

People encounter products of copywriting everyday through slogans, mail advertisements, jingle lyrics, website content, commercial scripts headlines, taglines, press releases or other text that are used in marketing and advertising. Copywriting can be manifested in billboards, print ads, catalogs, brochures, websites, letters, email, post cards, commercials and other forms of advertising media.

Where is Copywriting Done$%:

Copywriting is usually done in retail stores, advertising companies and marketing firms in a metropolitan area. The copywriting work environment is one characterized with hectic schedules that requires its workers to perform their tasks creatively under pressure. Marketing and advertising is notorious for its fast-paced nature where crises are already considered a normal occurrence. Copywriting is typified by successive assignment with immediate deadlines everyday and constant calls for eleventh-hour revisions. Copywriting is therefore a field for the dynamic, creative and bold.

How Rewarding is Copywriting$%:

Copywriters usually start off as assistants who earn as much as $30,000 to $35,000 a year, gradually increasing to around $40,000 once they become really adept into copywriting. Eventually they can be promoted to senior positions, earning about $100,000 and then to copywriting chief, earning around $125,000. Copywriters may also ultimately become creative director, earning as much as $200,000 a year.

Copywriting usually requires a minimum of 40 hours of work a week with expected overtime during peak seasons and important occasions. Overtime if of course compensated correspondingly. Copywriting requirement of firms usually increase in certain occasions such as the holidays for department stores and during large advertising campaigns for advertising firms.

There are usually many benefits included in the compensation package for copywriting. Profit-sharing is increasingly becoming a popular practice among firms. Copywriters are also given benefits like paid holidays or vacations, health care, hospitalization, life insurance and retirement. As such copywriting can be considered to be quite a rewarding job.

What are the Qualifications for Copywriting$%:

Copywriting requires a lot of creativity and the skill of putting great ideas into paper in very stylish and effective ways. Copywriting also requires a good understanding of layout and typography as visuals are yet another essential part of advertising and marketing.

Most retail and advertising firms require copywriting applicants to have a solid credentials in the field, with preference to those who have worked for at least three years in the business or a related trade. While copywriting is usually not found as a degree of concentration in most colleges and universities, a lot of copywriters take degrees in liberal arts, business management, marketing and communications. Copywriting also benefit from creative writing and thus there is a good number of copywriters coming from a creative writing and literature background.

Copywriting necessitates a good combination of solid formal education with a good writing experience. A lot of people who end up in copywriting have had not only degrees in business or communications but also experience writing in their community or school publications. Companies usually ask their copywriting applicants to submit sample essays and articles, especially published ones.

Are there Advancement Opportunities in Copywriting$%:

Copywriting offers a lot of room for growth and development. In department and retail stores copywriters can become copywriting chief or fashion coordinator, and then division manager or chief of advertising. In advertising firms, a copywriter may work his or her way up as a copy supervisor, then copywriting chief, then account executive, and finally creative director. Copywriting can indeed be fulfilling for those who are determined.

Copywriting can be a good career to take for those who have the right skills and interest. It is an essential component of marketing and advertising and is thus a potentially endless mine of opportunities.

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